August Site Picks: Non-Profits

Justin Campbell Reading estimate: 2 minutes

Over the last few weeks we have all watched the #IceBucketChallenge phenomenon that's spreading ALS Awareness across the country and the world. I myself filmed a video using the chilly water of the Bay Area, while donating money to ALSA. That is why this month we are focusing on other Non-Profit organizations with equally great causes. 

First up, SOS Children’s Villages provides orphaned and abandoned children with a safe and loving home, and also helps strengthen vulnerable families. Through the Children’s Villages, SOS offers orphaned and abandoned children a family and a loving home. This home includes a mother to care for and support them in a safe environment, where their needs for food, health and shelter are met. 


Screenshot showing the SOS Children's Villages website home page


RAW’s clinical art therapists and professional artists build meaningful relationships with each kid, helping them see a broader palette of life choices. Their art speaks. It reveals a meaningful part of them that needs to be seen and heard, without being judged. They challenge them to change negative patterns while giving unrelenting support to reach what may seem unattainable.



Screenshot of the home page for RAW


Happy City is a sophisticated project working at all levels, from the grass-roots of small community groups, to the high table of national strategists. Activities include campaigning and communication, projects, training, events and the development of better measures of prosperity. Their approach is to ask, to encourage, to share, to support and to offer a helping hand. They work in partnerships wherever possible, so people can build on each others' success and learn to flourish together.


Screenshot showing the Happy City website home page


Building Homes for Heroes is strongly committed to rebuilding lives and supporting the brave men and women who were injured while serving the country, in Iraq or Afghanistan.  The organization builds or modifies homes, and gifts them, mortgage-free, to veterans and their families.



Screenshot showing the Building Homes for Heroes website home page


The Smarter Lunchrooms Movement was started in 2009 with the goal of creating sustainable research-based lunchrooms, that guide smarter choices. It is a grassroots movement of those concerned with the way children eat. They wish to change these behaviors through the application of evidence-based, lunchroom focused principles, that promote healthful eating.

For more examples of organizations already using Pantheon, check out our customer page. Are you part of an organization and want to know more about how Pantheon can help with your Drupal or WordPress site? Get in touch

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