April Site Picks: Sustainability

WebOps Team, Pantheon Reading estimate: 2 minutes

Earth Day was last week, which is always a good time to evaluate how we interact with our planet. The team at Pantheon try to do our part daily. We either bike, walk, or take public transit to get to & from work. We shop at our local farmer's markets. Maybe we will brew our own beer? That is why this month we are looking at organizations that focus on advancing sustainability, raising awareness of energy issues, and prompting a more balanced ecosystem.

First up, The Oregon Zoo, where they work with partners to restore populations of imperiled native species ranging from quarter-sized butterflies to the California condor. They help boost the fight against extinction, resolving human-wildlife conflict and protecting habitats.



Screenshot of the Oregon Zoo website home page


Earthjustice uses the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people's health; to preserve magnificent places and wildlife; to advance clean engergy; and to combat climate change.



Screenshot of EarthJustice website home page


Water in the West, a partnership of The Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and the Bill Lane Center for the American West, mission is to design, articulate, and advance sustainable water management for the people and environment of the American West. 



Screenshot of Water in the West website home page


Farm Food Freedom Coalition wants to ensure that America's treasures, independent farms and ranches, are able to thrive. They aim to preserve the US's agricultural heritage and the future availability of traditional, farm fresh foods by increasing the freedom to choose natural, unprocessed foods for generations to come.



Screenshot of Farm Food Freedom Coalition website home page


The Critical Materials Institute focuses on technologies that make better use of materials and eliminate the need for materials that are subject to supply disruptions. These critical materials are essential for American competitiveness in modern clean energy technologies, including wind turbines, solar panels, electric vehicles, and energy-efficient lighting.



Screenshot of The Critical Materials Institute website home page


myActions makes sharing your sustainable and compassionate actions worthwhile. Harnessing the power of social networks, consumer engagement and mobile innovations, myActions connects and activates the ecosystem of Green Participants: friends, committed businesses, donors and nonprofits in a meaningful way to drive real world impact.



Screenshot of myActions website home page


For more examples of organizations already using Pantheon, check out our customer page. Are you part of an organization and want to know more about how Pantheon can help with your Drupal or WordPress site? Get in touch


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